Kärcher cleans Globe Theatre in Schwäbisch Hall

Over the course of a three-day cleaning project, Kärcher cleaned the Globe Theatre in Schwäbisch Hall. The Kärcher team cleaned the roof, walls, stairs, walkways, benches and stage in the interior of the wooden building using three hot water high-pressure cleaners, a wet and dry vacuum cleaner and a scrubber drier.

The Schwäbisch Hall Globe Theatre was built in 2000 and is one of the city's major landmarks, attracting 60,000 visitors every summer. It is a replica of the Elizabethan theatre in London, which was built in 1599.


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Kärcher Tunisia
lmmeuble Yasmine Tower
Bloc A 6ème étage, bureau A 6.6
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1082 Tunis - Tunisia

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