Specialized Vacuums

How do you get carpets, cushions, mattresses and car seats clean and hygienic again? How do you easily remove and dispose of your cold ashes from the fireplace, charcoal grill or stove? We`ve got all the answers in the shape of our powerful carpet cleaners and our high-performance ash and dry vacuum cleaners.

Spray extraction cleaner

For allergy sufferers, pet owners and everyone who likes things thoroughly clean: Kärcher carpet cleaners clean textile surfaces such as carpets, upholstered furniture, mattresses, car seats and wall hangings deep into the fibres.

Ash and dry vacuum cleaners

Whether barbecue ash in the summer or fireplace ash in the winter: Kärcher ash and dry vacuum cleaners remove all residual ash. Reliably. Thoroughly. Safely. And hands stay clean all the time. And now also without any cords.


Contact us

Kärcher Tunisia
lmmeuble Yasmine Tower
Bloc A 6ème étage, bureau A 6.6
Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis - Tunisia

E-Mail: info@tn.kaercher.com

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