Drinking water treatment

Water treatment system – control your water quality Tried and tested in long-term use: Kärcher systems deliver high-quality drinking water from fresh and salt water sources. These systems provide reliable water quality for hotels, camping sites and farms as well as branches of industry.

fresh water

Unfortunately, clean and drinkable tap water is not a given in many regions. Our compact water treatment systems WPC 120 UF, WPC 100 RO and WPC 80 RO are a remedy for this and, using the principle of reverse osmosis, provides pure drinking water wherever it is needed. In doing so, it produces around 70% less waste water than comparable competitor products.


Contact us

Kärcher Tunisia
lmmeuble Yasmine Tower
Bloc A 6ème étage, bureau A 6.6
Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis - Tunisia

E-Mail: info@tn.kaercher.com

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