Sweepers and vacuum sweepers

Maximum sweeping performance - always and everywhere From the manual sweeper via the walk-behind and ride-on machine to the extremely powerful and robust industrial ride-on sweeper. Clean sweeping at any time with reliable and innovative Kärcher technology. We are also highly innovative when it comes to sweeping!

Industrial sweepers

Whether the logistics sector, steel processing, construction industry or cement works: Kärcher industrial sweepers are reliable and efficient. They are designed for the toughest industrial use for large areas and increased dirt volumes. The award-winning filter system ensures a dust-free environment even in extreme cases.

Vacuum sweepers ride-on

Economical, clean and efficient on medium-sized and large areas: thanks to the wide range of machines, Kärcher sweeper vacuums meet all requirements. Special importance is always attached to the latest, customer-oriented technology as well as easy handling, access and service.

Sweepers and vacuum sweepers walk-behind

For courtyards, paths, workshops and halls. For caretakers, tradesmen, contract cleaners and industry. Walk-behind sweepers and sweeper vacuums are ergonomic and easy to use. They sweep thoroughly with low dust development - even in corners. Machines with traction drive are ideal from 300 m².


Contact us

Kärcher Tunisia
lmmeuble Yasmine Tower
Bloc A 6ème étage, bureau A 6.6
Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis - Tunisia

E-Mail: info@tn.kaercher.com

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