Home & Garden

Cleaning devices in the Home & Garden range are above all smaller than those in the Professional range. Kärcher's most famous device is the pressure washer, though the company also offers a variety of other cleaning devices in the Home & Garden range, including the steam cleaner and window vac. The Garden range mainly comprises watering systems, which are highly efficient and resource-conserving. Kärcher products therefore offer the right solution for any cleaning challenge.

Home & Garden Zubehör
Home & Garden Reinigungsmittel

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Here you can find various tips and examples which will make your Kärcher cleaning devices easier to use.


Contact us

Kärcher Tunisia
lmmeuble Yasmine Tower
Bloc A 6ème étage, bureau A 6.6
Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis - Tunisia

E-Mail: info@tn.kaercher.com

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