Responsibility for employees

What is the basis for the success of a company? We believe success is based on the employees. This is why Kärcher stands for a company policy focused on people and open communication. We want to create as good a working environment as possible – be it through flexible working hours, numerous opportunities for further development, subsidised childcare, integration support after illness, or company sports.

“It is the people in our company that make success possible.”

Family values are close to our heart. That is why we take on responsibility for the health of our employees and advocate their further development.

Alfred Kärcher described the special relationship with his employees with the following words: “It is the people in our company that make success possible.” His attitude is still the guiding principle and basis of a corporate policy in which the reconciliation of career and family, the health of employees and their professional development and training play a central role.

We treat our employees in an appreciative and caring way. Thanks to its strong commitment, Kärcher has been able to become the global market and technological leader in cleaning technology.

Insight: Our work and projects for employees

Recyclons le papier, pas les idées

Le rôle de responsable de la durabilité a été créé pour veiller à ce que les sites Kärcher du monde entier soient également engagés dans la durabilité. Trois responsables expliquent l'importance de leur travail et des défis régionaux uniques qu'ils doivent surmonter.

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CSR Breakfast 2020+

Chaque opinion compte : les collaborateurs renforcent les objectifs de durabilité

Si un thème concerne tout le monde, chacun devrait pouvoir s'investir. À l'occasion du « Petit-déjeuner durable 2020+ », les collaborateurs du Brésil, de la Chine et de l'Allemagne ont joué un rôle essentiel dans la définition de la stratégie jusqu'en 2025.

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Teaser Employee Survey 2019

Enquête auprès des collaborateurs 2019

Près de 11 000 collaborateurs du monde entier ont participé à l'enquête Kärcher réalisée en mai 2019. Le taux de réponse de 87 % montre la forte identification de nos collaborateurs avec l'entreprise et leur grand intérêt pour le développement de Kärcher. L'enquête réalisée auprès des collaborateurs leur en donne la possibilité.

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Overview: Our commitment to employees

Employee world meeting

Improving global collaboration

The employee survey shows us what we currently do well and the areas that require more work. Our employees right across the world are happy to work for Kärcher and identify very strongly with the company. We want to make further improvements when it comes to collaboration between different departments and countries, for example. The measures introduced include the first Employee World Meeting, which we held at the beginning of 2018 and was a great success. At this meeting, participants developed possibilities for improving international cooperation at Kärcher.

Innovation lab

A touch of the Silicon Valley: The Innovation Lab

In the Kärcher Innovation Lab, employees from various fields are collaborating on different innovations. The teams are not only developing new products and services, but are also working on the entire business model at the same time. The aim is to launch a real, successful start-up, which is not just about opening up successful new business areas but also promoting an entrepreneurial mindset in Kärcher's culture. Employees from all departments can apply for the Innovation Challenges.


Complete health management

The health of our employees was defined in our 2020 sustainability strategy as a value which must be permanently embedded in our corporate culture. To promote good health among our employees, we have therefore developed various measures which will be implemented gradually and evaluated on a regular basis. For example, we have workstations regularly inspected and optimised to ensure that they are as ergonomic as possible. At all Kärcher sites, we additionally run health campaigns that are specially tailored to the employees there, ranging from active lunch breaks to flu vaccines.

Mitarbeiter 1

A programme for success

Employees in 60 countries and 100 companies – each individual should have the same opportunities to develop in line with their role, be assessed according to the same system and be offered further training measures that suit them. This is why we have developed a globally standardised programme for the professional development of our employees – combined in an international platform.

Beruf und Familie

Compatibility of career and family

In December 2013, we were certified as a family-friendly company with the "audit berufundfamilie" certificate. The certificate is a mark of companies who are particularly committed to further developing family-friendly measures at the workplace. In addition to options including part-time models and flexible working hours, in Germany we subsidise childcare and organise holiday programmes for our employees' children.


Career and studies can be combined

Employees who are pursuing a higher qualification alongside their job, such as an engineering, foreperson or academic degree, can be funded by a Kärcher grant while they study their Bachelor's or Master's degree. This measure initiated by HR development took second place in the 2014 Human Resources Excellence Awards, which are presented by the Human Resources Manager specialist journal.


Kärcher Tunisie
lmmeuble Yasmine Tower
Bloc A 6ème étage, bureau A 6.6
Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis - Tunisie


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